
The Agri-business Development (ABD) unit is dedicated to organizing a diverse array of training programs that cover various aspects of secondary agriculture with a special emphasis on lac cultivation and processing. The unit’s operational endeavours are managed by a team of expert scientists, particularly those specializing in social science disciplines. The unit boasts a range of training related facilities such as a well-furnished lecture hall with a public address system, digital and multimedia presentation facilities and hostel facilities for trainees.

One of the unique features of the ABD unit is the NRG museum, which provides insightful depictions of the processing and product development techniques related to natural resins and gums. This includes a comprehensive coverage of various aspects of lac production, processing, utilization, marketing, and even export. The main activities of the unit include capacity building, market intelligence and development of secondary agriculture-related data bank and establishing linkages with different stakeholders at national and international levels. Among the distinctive programs offered by the unit is the “One to One” initiative. This initiative is specifically designed for the benefit of farmers and entrepreneurs. Through this program, personalized interactions and guidance are extended to these individuals, catering to their specific needs and queries.

Services provided by the unit

Training: The unit organizes different types of training programmes including various aspects of lac cultivation, processing and natural resins & gums.

Publicity and Promotional Activities: Number of extension bulletins, pamphlets etc. have been published in different languages and distributed. Two- part video film on scientific lac cultivation and processing in Hindi and English has been made and screened to the trainees in every training programme. The unit also promotes lac by organizing and / or participating in fairs and exhibitions. Linkages have been established with a number of GOs, NGOs, FPOs and SHGs in various lac growing states to support extension activities for lac cultivation.

Consultancy Research: The unit also executes need based contract research specially impact analysis of lac cultivation technologies, potential area identification for lac cultivation etc.

  • Sale counter for lac-based handicraft and extension booklets on lac
  • Forecasting of nymphal emergence of broodlac
  • Monthly advisories through social media
  • Techniques for nursery raising and planting system for conventional and some promising lac hosts
  • Technique and time of pruning as well as period of rest between two successive crops for sustainability yield